Fund Swift Together

Help grow the Swift ecosystem by funding the work we all depend on.

Anyone can contribute whether you're a company or an individual.

How It Works

Post Bounties

Create bounties for Swift issues and pay only when they're solved.
Just comment /bounty $1000 in any Swift issue or PR.

Pool Resources

Pool funds with other developers and companies to make bigger impact.
We'll collect the funds from all sponsors and pay out to the contributor(s).

Send Tips

Show appreciation for helpful issues and merged pull requests.
Just comment /tip $500 @username in any Swift issue or PR.

Start Contracts

Coming Soon
Engage contributors for longer-term Swift development work.
Just comment /contract $5000 @username to offer a contract.

Start Contributing

Fund Swift Development in Seconds

Post a bounty

Tip a developer

Reward contributions

You don't even need to leave GitHub


Fund Issues

Create bounties on any Swift issue to incentivize solutions and attract talented contributors


Show Appreciation

Say thanks with tips to recognize valuable contributions

Merged pull request

Completed payment

Transferring funds to contributor


Pay When Merged

Set up auto-pay to instantly reward contributors as their PRs are merged


Fund Together

Companies and individuals can pool their money together to fund important Swift improvements


Fast, Global Payouts

Receive payments directly to your bank account from all around the world (120 countries supported)

Contracts (coming soon)

Flexible Engagement

Set hourly rates, weekly hours, and payment schedules for ongoing Swift development work. Track progress and manage payments all in one place.

No bounties yet

Open bounties will appear here once created

/bounty $1000 /tip $500 @username

Get Started Now

You can create bounties and send tips in any of the Swift repos below once you've connected your GitHub account.